When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, your dentist is your greatest ally. At your routine appointments, they use the latest in proven dental technology, their clinical expertise, and a wide array of services to ensure your oral health remains in tip-top shape. That being said, it’s natural to be curious about their methods, like why they recommend dental X-rays. If you’ve found yourself wondering something similar, read on as a dentist in Ocala shares why X-rays are so important and the different types!
So, Why Are Dental X-Rays Important?
Dental X-rays (radiographs) allow your dental team to capture images of the interior of your teeth and gums. This is extremely important for detecting concerns the visual inspection may have missed, like a cavity between the teeth and the growth of adult teeth for children. Plus, since dental X-rays show the root of the tooth, the presence of cysts, abscesses, and other masses can be diagnosed as well. So, it’s safe to say they are crucial to keeping your oral health in pristine condition.
4 Types of Dental X-Rays
The term “X-ray” is often used as an all-encompassing term. However, there are actually a variety of types that provide your dental team with a slightly different view of your mouth. Below are some of the most common ones:
- Bitewing – Commonly used to check for cavities between your teeth, this X-ray requires you to bite down on a piece of paper, allowing your dentist to see if the crowns of your teeth match up.
- Occlusal – This type of X-ray shows either the roof or floor of the mouth, effectively finding extra teeth, teeth that have yet to emerge, jaw fractures, and the like.
- Panoramic – As the name suggests, this X-ray involves the machine rotating around your head. This allows them to check your wisdom teeth, examine jaw issues, and plan for implanted dental devices.
- Extraoral – This form is most commonly used to check for problems outside the teeth and gums, like your jaw.
Now you know a bit more about dental X-rays and why they are so important for your overall oral health. If you haven’t had X-rays taken within the past year or are overdue for your biannual visit, make sure to contact your dental team today to schedule an appointment!
About the Author
Dr. Daniel Weldon earned his DMD from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, and he has been helping patients achieve pristine oral health ever since! Over the last 10+ years, he has continued to stay at the forefront of dentistry through continuing education through the prestigious Spear Education and active memberships with multiple professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. If you would like more information on dental X-rays or would like to schedule an appointment, visit our website or give us a call at 352-622-3236.