The Do’s and Don’ts of Eating After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 10:44 pm
Bowl of yogurt with berries and two bananas on carpet background

No one likes dental discomfort, which is probably why you’re getting a wisdom tooth extracted. It’s also why you’ll want to watch what you eat during your recovery. The wrong foods could cause some serious aches and pains! Don’t worry, though. Here’s a list of what you should – and shouldn’t – keep stocked in your kitchen.

Definitely Don’t Eat These

Right after your extraction, you might actually feel pretty good. You might even feel like you’re ready to take on some hard, crunchy, sticky foods. Don’t be fooled! This is the anesthesia talking. Biting down on these forbidden foods while you’re still numb could result in you accidentally hurting yourself. So don’t eat snacks like these:

  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Hard pretzels or crackers
  • Hot peppers
  • Cookies
  • Seeds – from berries or otherwise
  • Nuts

You’ll also want to avoid drinking liquids through a straw. The pinched mouth you make while slurping will make your sore mouth not-so-happy.

Please Do Eat These

Basically, sticking to soft foods during your recovery is your best ticket to a smooth healing process. It’s okay to reintroduce more menu items to your diet as you progress, but keep in mind that disrupting your stitches means another visit to your dentist – potentially even your emergency dentist. With that, let’s shift focus to what is considered safe to eat:

  • Milkshakes
  • Smoothies, if you steer clear of frozen fruit chunks
  • Pudding
  • Jello
  • Eggs
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Mashed potatoes and gravy
  • Soup – possibly even a bread-bowl if you’re careful
  • Yogurt and squishy fruits that don’t have seeds

Are there more extraction-friendly meals than you thought there would be? This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means. Your dentist and some creative people on Pinterest might also have ideas. It’s important to keep up with your nutritional health as you recover, so if you find yourself struggling with your wisdom tooth extraction diet, don’t hesitate to lean on your resources. Your dentist will be able to answer your questions and help you stay on the right track!

About the Practice

Drs. Daniel Weldon and Elizabeth Estes Weldon help patients feel comfortable during and after their dental treatments. The wisdom tooth extraction diet can be difficult to keep track of, and should you disrupt your stitches, you’ll want prompt and efficient care. As experienced providers, Dr. Weldon and Dr. Elizabeth can help you stay informed about the recovery process and treat your urgencies quickly. Basically, you can rely on them every step of the way! To contact their office, call 352-622-3236.

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