What Causes Snoring & When to Seek Sleep Apnea Treatment

August 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 10:54 am

man snoring in bedWe all know what snoring is — it’s a disruptive habit that can take away from the quality of sleep of the snorer and anyone around them. But when it comes to what causes snoring, there’s often some confusion. Identifying the cause of snoring can help you get help to stop the problem and regain your quality of sleep. And sometimes, that means sleep apnea treatment in Ocala. Keep reading to learn more about snoring and what you can do about it. The doctor is in!


Children’s Dentist in Ocala Says Routine Visits Protect Your Child!

August 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 7:44 pm

A mother and daughter brushing each other’s teeth.There’s nothing that you could want more than seeing your child succeed. Whether it’s through their academics, the relationships they develop, or the sport they enjoy playing in, the only way they can dedicate all their attention is if they have their health in check. This includes oral health, an area that is all too often ignored or forgotten, especially in children.

By scheduling a visit now, you can speak with a children’s dentist in Ocala and confirm no issues are present!


Learn What Clear Aligners from Invisalign in Ocala are Made Of!

July 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 9:12 pm

A person removing their clear aligners.It may be hard to believe at first, but clear aligners are quite capable of shifting teeth. Even when bombarded with saliva on a daily basis, they’re still able to shift teeth into an entirely new position safely and quicker than traditional orthodontics. In today’s post, your dentist will explore the material that’s used for Invisalign in Ocala, as well as the process that goes into realignment.

With this knowledge in mind, you’ll have more assurance that your aligners can withstand regular use without worry!


See the Dentist in Ocala for Regular Dental Hygiene

June 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drweldon @ 12:15 am

dental appointment on calendarRegular dental hygiene is not only important for the sake of your smile, but for your overall health, too. Yes, teeth allow you show the world you’re happy, but they also serve important functions such as their role in digestion. With proper oral hygiene, your teeth can last a lifetime. Read on to learn from the dentist in Ocala about the value of taking good care of your teeth and gums.


The Dentist in Ocala Discusses the Consequences of Missing Teeth

June 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drweldon @ 12:08 am

older man smilingFor a child, losing a tooth is cause for celebration and a reward from the Tooth Fairy. For an adult, however, tooth loss can be a real problem. Restorative options such as dental implants, a bridge or dentures can remedy the situation. However, some people choose to live with a missing tooth, especially if it happens to be one less noticeable like a molar. The truth is that even one missing tooth could have a serious impact on the health and functionality of your smile. Read on to learn from a dentist in Ocala about six ways tooth loss may impact your life.


Dear Dentist in Ocala, Why Is My Mouth So Dry?

May 23, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 6:16 pm

woman sipping waterDry mouth endangers your oral health. Without enough saliva to rinse away bacteria and food particles, your teeth become more vulnerable to decay, and you become more likely to have bad breath. Moreover, dry mouth is downright uncomfortable. It can make it difficult to articulate your speech, and you might even feel like you have cotton balls stuck in your mouth. What causes this problem, and is there anything you can do about it? Your dentist in Ocala is here to discuss these important questions.


Family Dentist in Ocala Provides Tips for Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

May 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 3:08 pm

little boy flossing teethYour family dentist in Ocala probably reminds you all the time how important it is for you to floss. Yes, grown-ups need to floss daily in order to achieve optimum oral health — but so do children. Even though their primary teeth will fall out eventually, it’s still vital to get kids into the habit of flossing. Helping them floss every day will play a role in preventing cavities and sparing your little one from excessive pain and dental work. But when should you start flossing your child’s teeth, and how can you do so effectively?


Learn What Tooth Pain Means from Your Emergency Dentist in Ocala

April 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 4:16 pm

A man holding his mouth in pain.If you wake up and notice your tooth is in severe pain, it’s likely you won’t be able to think about anything else. Severe tooth pain indicates you’re having a dental emergency and need to visit your emergency dentist in Ocala right away.

However, whenever we encounter pain, especially suddenly, it’s easy to jump to conclusions on what’s happening. That’s why your dentist wanted to provide insight on what types of tooth pain likely mean the next time you have it.


Got a Question? Your Dentist in Ocala Says Ask the Hygienist!

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 3:20 pm

A woman having her dental exam.If you’ve ever waited to ask your dentist in Ocala questions during your dental visit, you’ll want to take this advice from them today. In many ways, your dental team is just as capable of answering any questions you may have, so you don’t have to wait for your dentist to get the professional information you want. For example, your hygienist can help your children improve their oral health, recommend the right mouthwash or toothpaste for your teeth, or explain how to make your teeth whiter.

Here are a few questions to ask your hygienist during your next visit.


Knocked out a Tooth? Your Emergency Dentist Helps Save Your Smile!

March 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 4:55 pm

woman with mouth painHuman teeth are pretty tough, and healthy pearly whites are firmly attached to your jawbone via ligaments. However, just because nature creates a secure home for your smile doesn’t mean that an accident can’t knock one of those chompers clean out of your mouth. Hard hits during contact sports, falls, and other incidents could mean that you suddenly find that one of your teeth is no longer where it belongs. What should you do in such a situation? Your emergency dentist in Ocala is here to guide you.


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