Don’t Hurt Your Teeth While Treating Your Cold or Flu

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 10:12 pm
Someone treating their cold.

As the weather gets colder, many of us are beginning to sneeze and cough. When you come down with a cold or the flu, it can be difficult to think of anything besides treating your symptoms. However, don’t forget to take care of an important part of your body—your mouth! Both your sickness and how you choose to treat it can have a significant impact on the health of your teeth and gums. Read on for some practical advice from your dentist about how to take care of your oral health during cold and flu season.


Foods You Can Enjoy and Should Avoid This Holiday Season

December 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 10:14 pm
A group of people enjoying holiday dinner.

Are you excited to enjoy some holiday treats before the new year is here? Everything from turkey to candy canes to eggnog seems to make an appearance, but not all of it is the best for your smile. If you want to keep your oral health in good condition this year, there are certain foods you should know that are the worst offenders when it comes to your teeth and gums. Below, a dentist will rank each holiday food so you don’t have to!


Was Your Child Born Without Permanent Teeth?

November 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 6:38 pm

Replacing baby teeth with adult teeth is just part of growing up; as a parent, you can look forward to watching your little one’s smile gradually develop. But what if a permanent tooth simply never appears? As hard as it might be to imagine, some babies aren’t born with all of their pearly whites – and that can lead to no end of dental problems later in life. Read on to learn why your child might not have a complete set of teeth – as well as ways you can fill in the gaps in their grin.


How Do You Maintain Porcelain Veneers & Can They Be Removed?

November 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 3:58 pm
Digital image of porcelain veneer

Veneers were first created almost 100 years ago by a dentist in Hollywood. They gave film stars a flawless smile for their roles, but they were only designed to be worn for a few hours. These early versions of veneers could be removed right away, but modern porcelain veneers are actually considered semi-permanent. And while they work beautifully for years to mask many types of cosmetic flaws, they’ll last the longest with the right care and maintenance. Below, you’ll learn more about whether porcelain veneers in Ocala can ever be removed and how to help them last. 


Find Out How to Save Money by Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 2:07 pm
a person having their teeth checked at the dentist’s office

It’s that time of year again when dental insurance companies are eagerly counting down the days until their client’s benefits expire. The moment the clock strikes midnight on December 31, all the money left behind from unused benefits is suddenly wiped from your account and sent back to the insurance company. Don’t believe it? Just check your dashboard on January 1. While you may not be able to keep your benefits from expiring, you can take advantage of your policy now while there’s still time. Read on to find out how.


Discover How Invisalign Can Straighten Your Overcrowded Teeth

October 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 10:03 pm
overcrowded teeth

Overcrowded teeth can be a real problem. Not only can they create an unpleasant aesthetic, but they can also make it hard to effectively clean your teeth and gums. This, in turn, can lead to serious oral health problems that will cost you time and money. Fortunately, there is a way to remedy this type of orthodontic problem – Invisalign. Find out how these clear plastic aligners can shift your teeth into proper alignment and improve your oral health.


4 Reasons for Swollen Gums and What to Do About Them

September 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 5:43 pm
Swollen Gums

When you brush and floss before bed, don’t forget to check your gums. How do they look? Do they appear redder and more swollen than normal? If so, there’s a good chance that you have gum disease or could develop gum disease soon; if left untreated, this condition could cost you your teeth and put you at risk for a heart attack. Here are 4 possible causes for swollen gums – as well as what to do about them.


Teeth Grinding and 5 Other Ways Stress Hurts Your Oral Health

August 28, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 5:46 pm
Stressed man

The pressures of your job, the anxieties that come with raising a family, concerns about your financial situation – it’s no surprise that stress is a common problem for many Americans. Uncontrolled stress can eventually start to affect your body, and your mouth is no exception. Here are 6 reasons why living with constant anxiety could eventually lead to seeing the dentist for gum disease and other oral health issues.


3 Things That Can Cause Your Veneers to Change Colors

August 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 5:31 pm
Porcelain veneers

When it comes to creating beautiful and brilliant teeth, veneers are one of the best options you can take. Not only are they natural looking, but nowadays they’re made out of porcelain, which can resist stains and discoloration much better than natural teeth; you’ll be able to drink coffee and black tea without too much worry. However, there are some unique circumstances that could end up dulling your new smile. Here are 3 special circumstances that could lead to discolored veneers.


Can I Replace All My Teeth? Yes! A Dentist Explains Two Different Options

July 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 5:33 pm
Digital image of a lower implant denture

Losing all your teeth is scary for anyone, and oftentimes one of the first questions people ask their dentist is, “Is it possible to replace all my teeth?” Fortunately, the answer is yes! But with more options today than ever before, including both traditional dentures and implant-retained dentures, it’s helpful to start by learning as much as you can about each type of full mouth restoration. Keep reading below to find out more!

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